Featured Publications

A select list of peer-reviewed studies using Human-on-a-Chip authored by our team

All Publications by Year

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2020 ...

New approach methodologies (NAMs) for human-relevant biokinetics predictions

  • ALTEX - October 2020 (Link to Study)
  • Ans Punt, Hans Bouwmeester, Bas J. Blaauboer, Sandra Coecke, Betty Hakkert, Delilah F. G. Hendriks, Paul Jennings, Nynke I. Kramer, Sibylle Neuhoff, Rosalinde Masereeuw, Alicia Paini, Ad A. C. M. Peijnenburg, Martijn Rooseboom, Michael L. Shuler, Ian Sorrell, Bart Spee, Marije Strikwold, Andries D. van der Meer, Meike van der Zande, Mathieu Vinken, Huan Yang, Peter M. J. Bos, Minne B. Heringa

Functional skeletal muscle model derived from SOD1-mutant ALS patient iPSCs recapitulates hallmarks of disease progression

  • Scientific Reports - September 2020 (Link to Study)
  • Agnes Badu-Mensah, Xiufang Guo, Christopher McAleer, John W. Rumsey & James J. Hickman 

A Human-Based Functional NMJ System for Personalized ALS Modeling and Drug Testing

  • Advanced Therapeutics - August 2020 Press Release & Link to study
  • Xiufang Guo, Virginia Smith, Max Jackson, My Tran, Michael Thomas, Aakash Patel, Eric Lorusso, Siddarth Nimbalkar, Yunqing Cai, Christopher McAleer, Ying Wang, Christopher Long, James Hickman

Differential Monocyte Actuation in a Three-Organ Functional Innate Immune System on a Chip.  

  • Advanced Science - June 2020 Press Release & Link to study
  • In collaboration with Roche Pharmaceuticals
  • Trevor Sasserath, John Rumsey, Christopher McAleer, Lee Richard Bridges, Christopher Long, Daniel Elbrecht, Franz Schuler, Adrian Roth, Christina Bertinetti-LaPatki, Michael Shuler, James Hickman

Hesperos Research Scientists in bold

2019 ...

Microphysiological systems

  • APL Bioengineering - October 2019 (Link to Study)
  •  J. J. HickmanD HuhR. D. Kamm

Multi-organ microfluidic platform with breathable lung chamber for inhalation or intravenous drug screening and development.

  • Biotechnology and Bioengineering - October 2019 (Link to Study)
  • Shuler M.L., Miller PM, Chen CY, Wang YI, Gao E 

A pumpless body-on-a-chip model using a primary culture of human intestinal cells and a 3D culture of liver cells.

  • Lab on a Chip - July 2019 (Link to Study)
  • Chen H.J., P. Miller, M.L. Shuler 

Physiological Aβ Concentrations Produce a More Biomimetic Representation of the Alzheimer’s Disease Phenotype in iPSC Derived Human Neurons.

  • ACS Chem Neurosci in press - July 2019 (Link to Study)
  • B. Berry, A.S.T. Smith, C. J. Long, C. Martin, and J. J. Hickman

On the Potential of In Vitro Organ-Chip Models to Define Temporal Phamacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Relationships

  • Nature Scientific Reports - July 2019  Link to study
  • Christopher McAleer, Amy Pointon, Christopher LongRocky Brighton, Benjamin Wilkin, Lee Richard Bridges, Narasimhan Sriram, Kristin Fabre, Robin McDougall, Victorine Muse, Jerome Mettetal, Abhishek Srivastava, Dominic Williams, Mark Schnepper, Jeff Roles, Michael Shuler, James Hickman

Multi-Organ System for the Evaluation of Efficacy and Off-Target Toxicity of Anticancer Therapeutics

  • Science Translational Medicine - June 2019 Press Release & Link to study
  • Christopher McAleer, Christopher Long, Daniel Elbrecht, Trevor SasserathLee Richard Bridges, John Rumsey, Candace Martin, Mark Schnepper, Ying Wang, Fraz Schuler, Adrian Roth, Christoph Funk, Michael Shuler, James Hickman
2018 ...
  • Carlota Oleaga, Andrea Lavado, Anne Riu, Sandra Rothemund, Carlos A. Carmona-Moran, Keisha Persaud, Andrew Yurko, Jennifer Lear, Narasimhan Sriram Narasimhan, Christopher J. Long, Frank Sommerhage, Lee Richard Bridges, Yunqing Cai, Candace Martin, Mark T. Schnepper, Arindom Goswami, Reine Note, Jessica Langer, Silvia Teissier, José Cotovio, and James J. Hickman* Long-Term Electrical and Mechanical Function Monitoring of a Human-on-a-Chip System. Advanced Functional Materials

  • Sung, Jong Hwan, Y. Wang, J. Min Lee, and M. Shuler. 2018. Application of Chemical Reaction Engineering Principles to “Body-on-a-Chip” Systems. AIChE Journal 64(12): 4351-4360.

  • Wang, Y.I. and ML Shuler. 2018. UniChip enables long-term recirculating unidirectional perfusion with gravity-driven flow for microphysiological systems. Lab Chip, 18: 2563.

  • Chen H.J., P. Miller , M.L. Shuler. 2018. A pumpless body-on-a-chip model using a primary culture of human intestinal cells and a 3D culture of liver cells. Lab Chip18(14):2036-2046. doi: 10.1039/c8lc00111a.

  • L. Ewart, E.-M. Dehne, K. Fabre, Susan Gibbs, J. Hickman, E. Hornberg, M. Ingelman-Sundberg, K.-J. Jang, D.R. Jones, V.M. Lauschke, U. Marx, Jerome T. Mettetal, A. Pointon, D. Williams, W.-H. Zimmermann, and P. Newham, “Application of Microphysiological Systems to Enhance Safety Assessment in Drug Discovery,” Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology 58:65-82 (2018).

  • J. van der Valk, K. Bieback, C. Buta, B. Cochrane, W.G. Dirks, J. Fu, J.J. Hickman, C. Hohensee, R. Kolar, M. Liebsch, F. Pistollato, M. Schulz, D. Thieme, T. Weber, J. Wiest, S. Winkler and G. Gstraunthaler, “Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) Past – Present – Future,” ALTEX 35:99-118 (2018)

  • N. Santhanam, L. Kumanchik, X. Guo, F. Sommerhage, Y. CaiM. Jackson, C. Martin, G. Saad, C.W. McAleer, Y. Wang, A. Lavado, C.J. LongJ.J. Hickman, “Stem Cell Derived Phenotypic Human Neuromuscular Junction Model for Dose Response Evaluation of Therapeutics,” Biomaterials 166:64-78, 2018.

  • B. Berry, A.S.T. Smith, C. J. Long, C. Martin and J.J. Hickman, “Physiological Aβ Concentrations Produce a More Biomimetic Representation of the Alzheimer’s Disease Phenotype in iPSC Derived Human Neurons,” ACS Chem Neurosci in press, 2018.

2017 ...
    • X. Guo, A. Colon,  N. Akanda,  S. Spradling, M. Stancescu, C. Martin, J.J. Hickman, “Tissue Engineering the Mechanosensory Circuit of the Stretch Reflex Arc with Human Stem Cells: Sensory Neuron Innervation of Intrafusal Muscle Fibers,” Biomaterials 122:179-187 (2017).

    • Y. Wang, C. Oleaga, C. Long, M.B. Esch, C. McAleer, P.G. Miller; J.J. Hickman and M.L. Shuler, “Self-contained, Low-cost Body-on-a-Chip Systems for Drug Development," Experimental Biology and Medicine Online 0:1-13 DOI:10.1177/1535370217694101 (2017).

    • J. van der Valk, K. Bieback, C. Buta, B. Cochrane, W.G. Dirks, J. Fu, J.J. Hickman, C. Hohensee, R. Kolar, M. Liebsch, F. Pistollato, M. Schulz, D. Thieme, T. Weber, J. Wiest, S. Winkler and G. Gstraunthaler, “Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS): Past – Present – Future,”  ALTEX: Alternatives to Animal Experimentation Online August 9, 2017; doi:10.14573/ altex.1705101 (2017).

    • Y.I. Wang, C. Carmona, J.J. Hickman and M.L. Shuler, “Multi-Organ Microphysiological Systems for Drug Development: Strategies, Advances and Challenges,” Advanced Healthcare Materials 242: 1701–1713; doi.org/10.1002/adhm.201701000 (2017).

    •  A. Colon, X. Guo, N. Akanda, Y. Cai and J.J. Hickman, “Functional Analysis of Human Intrafusal Fiber Innervation by Human γ-Motoneurons,” Nature Scientific Reports 7:17202; doi:10.1038/s41598-017-17382-2 (2017).

    • D. Edwards, F. Sommerhage, B. Berry, H. Nummer, B. Clymer, M. Stancescu, J.J. Hickman, “Comparison of NMDA and AMPA Channel Expression and Function between Embryonic and Adult Neurons Utilizing Microelectrode Array Systems,” ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 3:3525-3533 (2017).

    • A. Lavado, X. Guo, N. Akanda, C. Martin, Y. Cai, D. Elbrecht, M. Tran, J.-P. Bryant, A. Colon, C.J. Long, S. Lambert, D. Morgan and J.J Hickman, “Evaluation of Holistic Treatment for ALS Reveals Possible Mechanism and Therapeutic Potential,” International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals 11:348-374 (2017).

    • Wang Y.I., Abaci H.E., M.L. Shuler. 2017. Microfluidic blood-brain barrier model provides in vivo-like barrier properties for drug permeability screening. Biotechnol Bioeng.114: 184-194.(doi: 10.1002/bit.28045)

2016 ...
  • Mahler G.J., Esch M.B., Stokol T., J.J. HickmanM.L. Shuler. 2016. Body-on-a-chip systems for animal-free toxicity testing. Altern Lab Anim.
  • Chen, H.J., Z. Wei, J. Sun, A. Bhattacharya, D.J. Savage, R. Serda, Y. Mackeyer, S.A. Curley, P. Bu, L. Wang, S. Chen, L. Cohen-Gould, N.A. Jenkins, and M.L. Shuler. 2016. A recellularized human colon model identifies cancer driver genes. Nat Biotechnol. [Epub ahead of print] doi 10.1038/nbt.3586.
  • Esch, M.B., H. Ueno, D.R. Applegate, and M.L. Shuler. 2016. Modular, pumpless body-on-a-chip platform for the co-culture of GI tract epithelium and primary liver tissue. Lab on a Chip, 16: 2719 - 2729. (doi: 10.1a39/c6lc00461i).
  • Miller, P.G., and M.L. Shuler. 2016 Design and demonstration of a pumpless 14 compartment microphysiological system. Biotechnol Bioeng [Epub ahead of print]. doi: 10.1002/bit.25989.
  • Sakolish, C.M., M.B. Esch, J.J. Hickman, M.L. Shuler, and G.J. Mahler. 2016. Modeling barrier tissues in vitro: methods, achievements, and challenges.  E Bio Medicinehttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4816829/
  • Chen, H.J., Z. Wei, J. Sun, A. Bhattacharya, D.J. Savage, R. Serda, Y. Mackeyer, S.A. Curley, P. Bu, L. Wang, S. Chen, L. Cohen-Gould, N.A. Jenkins, and M.L. Shuler. 2016. A recellularized human colon model identifies cancer driver genes. Nat Biotechnol. [Epub ahead of print] doi 10.1038/nbt.3586.
  • Esch, M.B., H. Ueno, D.R. Applegate, and M.L. Shuler. 2016. Modular, pumpless body-on- a-chip platform for the co-culture of GI tract epithelium and primary liver tissue. Lab on a Chip, 16: 2719-2729. (doi: 10.1a39/c6lc00461i).
  • Miller, P.G., and M.L. Shuler. 2016 Design and demonstration of a pumpless 14 compartment microphysiological system. Biotechnol Bioeng [Epub ahead of print]. doi: 10.1002/bit.25989.
  • Sakolish, C.M., M.B. Esch, J.J. HickmanM.L. Shuler, and G.J. Mahler. 2016. Modeling barrier tissues in vitro: methods, achievements, and challenges. E Bio Medicine. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4816829/
      • C. Oleaga, C. Bernabini, A.S.T. Smith, B. Srinivasan, M. Jackson, W. McLamb, V. Platt, R. BridgesY. Cai, N. Santhanam, B. Berry, S. Najjar, N. Akanda, X. Guo, C. Martin, G. Ekman, M.B. Esch, J. Langer, G. Ouedraogo, J. Cotovio, L. Breton, M.L. Shuler and J.J. Hickman “Multi-Organ toxicity demonstration in a functional human in vitro system composed of four organs” Scientific Reports (6):20030 (2016)

2015 ...
        • B.J. Berry, N. Akanda, A.S.T. Smith, C.J. Long, M.T. Schnepper, X. Guo and J.J. Hickman, “Functional Characterization of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Neurons in Different Defined Culture Systems,”Biotechnology Progress 31(6):1613-1622 (2015).

        • Chen, H.J., Sun, J., Hou, H., Huang, Z., Arcilla, M., Rakhilin, N., Joe, D., Choi, J., Gadamsetty, P., Milsom, J., Nadakumar G., Longman, R., Zhou, X., Edwards, R., Chen, J., Chen, K., Bu, P., Waqng, L., Xu, Y., Munroe, R., Abratte, C., Miller, A., Shuler, M.L., Edelmann, W., Gumus, Z.H., Nishimura, N., Shen, X., and S.M. Lipkin. 2015. Comprehensive models of human primary and metastatic colorectal tumors in immunodeficient and immunocompetent mice by chemokine targeting. Nat Biotechnol. 33(6):656-660.

        • Abaci, H.E., and M.L. Shuler. 2015. Human-on-a-chip design strategies and principles for physiologically based pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics modeling. Integr Biol, 1:383-391

        • Srinivasan, B., Kolli, A.R., Esch, M.B., Abaci, H.E., Shuler, M.L., and J.J. Hickman. 2015. TEER measurement techniques for in vitro barrier model systems. J Lab Automation. 20:107-126

        • Abaci, H.E., Gledhill, K., Guo, Z., Christiano, A.M., and M.L. Shuler. 2015. Pumpless microfluidic platform for drug testing on human skin equivalents. Lab Chip 15(3): 882-888.

        • Esch, M.B., Prot, J, Wang, Y.I., Miller, P., Llamas-Vidales, J.R., Naughton, B.A., Applegate, D.R., and M.L. Shuler. 2015. Multi-cellular 3D human primary liver cell culture elevate metabolic activity under fluidic flow. Lab Chip, 15: 2269-2277. PMID 25857666

        • B. Srinivasan, A.R. Kolli, M.B. Esch, H.E. Abaci, M.L. Shuler and J.J. Hickman, “TEER Measurement Techniques for Organs-On-Chips Systems,” JALA 20(2):107-126 (2015).

        • C. McAleerJ.W. Rumsey, M. Stancescu and J.J. Hickman, “Functional Myotube Formation from Adult Rat Satellite Cells in a Defined Serum-Free System,” Biotechnology Progress 31(4):997-1003 (2015).

        • M. Stancescu, P. Molnar, C. McAleer, W. McLamb, C. Long, C. Oleaga, J.-M. Prot and J.J. Hickman, “In Vitro Model of Whole Heart Function,” Biomaterials 60:20-30 (2015).

        • B.J. Berry, N. Akanda, A.S.T. Smith, C.J. Long, M.T. Schnepper, X. Guo and J.J. Hickman, “Functional Characterization of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Neurons in Different Defined Culture Systems,” Biotechnology Progress in press (2015).

2014 ...
  • C.W. McAleer, A.S.T. Smith, S. Najjar, K. Pirozzi, C.J. Long and J.J. Hickman, “Mechanistic Investigation of Adult Myotube Response to Exercise and Drug Treatment in Vitro Using a Multiplexed Functional Assay System,” J Appl Physiol 117(11):1398-1405 (2014).

  • Esch, M.B., Smith, A., Prot, J.M., Oleaga, C., Hickman, J., and Shuler, M.L. 2014. How Multi-Organ Microdevices Can Help Foster Drug Development. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 69-70 (2014) 158-169.

  • Esch, M.B., Mahler, G.J., Stokol, T., and M.L. Shuler. 2014. Body-on-a-chip simulation with gastrointestinal tract and liver tissues suggests that ingested nanoparticles have the potential to cause liver injury. Lab Chip, 14(16): 3081-92. DOI: 10.1039/c4lc00371c.

  • Shuler, M.L. and J.J. Hickman. 2014. Toward in virtro models of brain structure and function. PNAS. 111(38): 13682-13683.

  • Sung, J.H., Srinivasan, B., Esch, M.B., McLamb, W.T., Bernabini, C., Shuler, M.L., and J.J. Hickman. 2014. Using physiologically-based pharmacokinetic-guided “body-on-a-chip” systems to predict mammalian response to drug and chemical exposure. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 239:1225-1239.

  • Bocioaga, D., I.A. El Gheriany, L.W. Lion, W.C. Ghiorse, M.L. Shuler and A.G. Hay. 2014. Development of a genetic system for a model manganese-oxidizing proteobacterium, Leptothrix discophora SS1. Microbiology. Bo: 2396-2405.

  • X. Guo, K. Greene, N. Akanda, A.S.T. Smith, M. Stancescu, S. Lambert, H. Vandenburgh, and J.J. Hickman, “In vitro Differentiation of Functional Human Skeletal Myotubes in a Defined System,” Biomaterials Science 2:131-138 (2014).

  • A.S.T. Smith, C.J. Long, B.J. Berry, C. McAleer, M. Stancescu, P. Molnar, P.G. Miller, M.B. Esch, J.-M. Prot, J.J. Hickman and M.L. Shuler, “Microphysiological systems and low cost microfluidic platform with analytics,” Stem Cell Research and Therapy in press (2014).

  • M. B. Esch, A.S.T. Smith,J.-M. Prot, C. Oleaga, J.J. Hickman and M.L. Shuler “How Multi-Organ Microdevices Can Help Foster Drug Development” ADDR in press (2014).

  • J.H. Sung, M.B. Esch, W.T. McLamb, C. Bernabini, B. Srinivasan, M.L. Shuler and J.J. Hickman, “Using PBPK guided “Body-on-a-Chip” Systems to Predict Mammalian Response to Drug and Chemical Exposure,” accepted to Experimental Biology and Medicine (2014).

  • A.S.T. Smith, C.J. LongC. McAleer, N. Bobbitt, B. Srinivasan and J.J. Hickman, “Utilization of microscale silicon cantilevers to assess cellular contractile function in vitro,” accepted to JoVE (2014).

  • M. Ramalingam, P, Molnar and J.J. Hickman, “Surface Patterning of Biomaterials to Control Cell Behavior,” Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology(ENN) American Scientific Publishers, Valencia, California, in press

2013 ...
    • Smith, A.S., Long, C.J., Berry, B.J., Mcaleer, C., Molnar, P., Miller, P.G., Esch, M.B., Prot, J.M., HickmanJ.J. and Shuler, M.L. 2013. Microphysiological systems and low-cost microfluidic platform with analytics. Stem Cell Res Ther. DOI: 10.1186/scrt370. PMID: 24565109. Epub 2013 Dec 20.

    • Angus, et al. 2013. A physical sciences network characterization of non-tumorigenic and metastatic cells, Sci. Rep. 3:14493 DOI:10.1038/srep01449.

    • S.A. Khan, V. Thakore, A. Behal, L. Bölöni and J.J. Hickman, “Comparative analysis of system identification techniques for nonlinear modeling of the neuron-microelectrode junction,” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 10(3):573-580 (2013).

    • A. Natarajan, T. DeMarse, P. Molnar, J.J. Hickman, “Engineered In Vitro Feed-Forward Networks,” Journal of Biotechnology and Biomaterials 3(1):153 (2013).

    • X. Guo, S. Spradling, M. Stancescu, S. Lambert, J.J. Hickman, “Derivation of sensory neurons and neural crest stem cells from human neural progenitor hNP1,” Biomaterials 34:4418-4427 (2013).

    • J.H. Sung, M.B. Esch, J.-M. Prot, C.J. Long, A. Smith, J.J. Hickman and M.L. Shuler, “Microfabricated mammalian organ systems and their integration into models of whole animals and humans,” Lab on a Chip 13:1201-1212 (2013).

    • C. Finch, T. Clarke, and J.J. Hickman, “A Continuum Hard-Sphere Model of Protein Adsorption,” Journal of Computational Physics, 244:212-222 (2013).

    • J.W. RumseyC. McAleer, M. Das, A. Bhalkikar, K. Wilson, M. Stancescu, S. Lambert, J.J. Hickman, “Myelination and node of Ranvier formation on sensory neurons in a defined in vitro system,” In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim, 49:608-618 (2013).

    • K.L. Pirozzi C.J. LongC.W. McAleer, A.S.T. Smith and J.J. Hickman, “Correlation of embryonic skeletal muscle myotube physical characteristics with contractile force generation on an Atomic Force Microscopy-based bio- Microelectromechanical systems device,” Applied Physics Letters, 103:083108 (2013).

    • D. Edwards, M. Stancescu, P. Molnar and J.J. Hickman, “Two cell networks of oriented adult hippocampal neurons on self-assembled monolayers for use in the study of neuronal communication in a defined system,” ACS Chemical Neuroscience 4:1174-1182 (2013) DOI: 10.1021/cn300206k

    • A.S.T. Smith, C.J. Long, Kristen Pirozzi and J.J. Hickman, “Development of a functional system for high-content screening of neuromuscular junctions,” Technology, 1(1):37-48 (2013).

2012 ...
      • Krasnoff, S.B., U Englich, P.G. Miller, M.L. Shuler, R.P. Glahn, B.G.G. Donzelli, and D.M. Gibson. 2012. Metacridamides A and B, Macrocycles from Conidia of the Entomopathogenic Fungus, Metarhizium acridum. J. Nat Prod. 75: 175-180 DOI: 10.1021/n p 20070441.

      • Kim, B.J., T. Zhao, L. Young, P. Zhou, M.L. Shuler. 2012. Batch, fed-batch, and microcarrier cultures with CHO cell lines in a pressure-cycle driven miniaturized bioreactor. Biotechnol and Bioeng. 109:137-45. DOI: 10.1002/bit.23289.

      • Mahler, G.J., M.B. Esch, E. Tako, T.L. Southand, S.D. Archer, R.P. Glahn, and M.L. Shuler. 2012. Oral exposure to polystyrene nanoparticles effects iron absorption. Nat Nanotechnol. 7: 264-271 DOI: 10. 1038INNANO.2012.3

      • Atlas, J. and M.L. Shuler. 2012. Modeling of a minimal cell. Methods of Mol. Biol. 881: 573-610. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-61779-827-6_20.

      • Sung, J.H. and M.L. Shuler, 2012 . Microtechnology for mimicking in vivo tissue environment. Ann. Biomed. Engr. 40: 1289-1300, DOI: 10.1007/s104339-011-0491-2.

      • G. Shayan, N. Felix, Y. Cho, M. Chatzichristidi, M.L. Shuler, C.K. Ober, and K.H. Lee. 2012. Synthesis and Characterization of High-Throughout Nanofabricated Poly(4-Hydroxy Styrene) Membranes for In Vitro Models of Barrier Tissue. Tissue Engineering 18:9 667-676 DOI: 10.1089/ten.tec.2011.0598

      • Kim, B.J., Diao, J., and M.L. Shuler, 2012. Mini-scale Bioprocessing Systems for Highly Parallel Animal Cell Cultures. DOI:10.1002/btpr.1554. Biotechnol Prog 28: 595-607.

      • Shuler, M.L. and J.H. Sung. 2012. Introduction to the special issue on micro- and nanofabrication techniques. Ann Biomed Engr. 40: 1209-1210. DOI: 10.1007/s10439-012-0589-1

      • M.L. Shuler. 2012. Modeling Life. Ann Biomed Engr. 40: 1399-407. DOI: 10.1007/s10439-012-0567-7.

      • Esch, M.B., Sung, J.H., Yang, J. Yu, J., March, J.C., Shuler, M.L. 2012. On Chip Porous Polymer Membranes for Integration of Gastrointestinal Tract Epithelium with Microfluidic 'Body-on-a-Chip' Devices. Biomedical Microdevices. 14:895-906. DOI: 10.1007/s10544-012-9669-0.

      • K.A. Wilson, C. A. Finch, P. Anderson, F. Vollmer, and J.J. Hickman, “Whispering Gallery Mode Biosensor Quantification of Fibronectin Adsorption Kinetics onto Alkylsilane Monolayers and Interpretation of Resultant Cellular Response” Biomaterials 33:225-236 (2012).

      • H. Davis, X. Guo, S. Lambert, M. Stancescu and J.J. Hickman, “Small Molecule Induction of Human Umbilical Stem Cells into MBP-Positive Oligodendrocytes in a Defined Three-Dimensional Environment,” ACS Chemical Neuroscience 3:31-39 (2012).

      • X. Guo, J.E. Ayala1, M. Gonzalez, M. Stancescu, S. Lambert, J.J. Hickman, “Tissue engineering the monosynaptic circuit of the stretch reflex arc with co-culture of embryonic motoneurons and proprioceptive sensory neurons,” Biomaterials 33(23):5723-5731 (2012).

      • C. Long, C. Finch, M. Esch, W. Anderson, M. Shuler and J.J. Hickman, “Design Optimization of Liquid-Phase Flow Patterns for Microfabricated Lung On A Chip,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering 40(6):1255-1267 (2012).

      • H. Davis, M. Gonzalez, N. Bhargava, M. Stancescu, J.J. Hickman, and S. Lambert, “Rat Cortical Oligodendrocyte–Embryonic Motoneuron Co-culture: An in vitro Axon-Oligodendrocyte Interaction Model,” Journal of Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering 2(3):206-214 (2012).

      • V. Thakore, P. Molnar and J.J. Hickman, “An Optimization Based Study of Equivalent Circuit Models for Representing Recordings at the Neuron-Electrode Interface,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 59(8):2338-2347 (2012).

      • C. Wang, J. Reed, L. Ma, Y. Qiao, Y. Luo, S. Zou, J.J. Hickman and M. Su, “Biomimic Light Trapping Silicon Nanowire Arrays for Laser Desorption/Ionization of peptides,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116(29):15415-15420 (2012).

      • C.N. Baker, D.G. Taylor, K. Osuala, A. Natarajan, P. Molnar, J.J. Hickman, S. Alam, B. Moscato, D. Weinshenker, and S.N. Ebert, “Adrenergic deficiency leads to impaired electrical conduction and increased arrhythmic potential in the embryonic mouse heart,” Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 423(3):536-541 (2012).

      • X. Guo, J.J. Hickman. “Treatment of ALS utilizing a stem cell strategy” in Motor Neuron Diseases: Causes, Classification and Treatments Eds. B.J. Turner, J.B. Atkin, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, New York. pp.115-136 (2012).

2011 ...
        • Shayan, G., Y.S. Choi, E.V. Shusta, M.L. Shuler and K.H. Lee. 2011. Murine in vitro model of the blood brain barrier for evaluating drug transport. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci42 148-155.

        • Shayan, G., M.L. Shuler, and K.H. Lee. 2011. The effects of astrocytes on the induction of barrier properties in aortic endothelial cells. Biotechnol. Prog. 27:1137-1145.

        • Frampton, J.P., M.R. Hynd, M.L. Shuler, W. Shain, 2011. Fabrication and optimization of alginate hydrogel constructs for use in 3D neural cell culture. Biomed. Mat. 6 015002 (18pp).

        • Sung, J.S., J. Yu, D. Luo, M.L. Shuler, and J.C. March. 2011. Microscale 3-D hydrogel scaffold for biomimetic gastrointestingal (GI) tract model. Lab Chip. 11, 389-392.

        • Esch, M.B., D.J. Post, M.L. Shuler and T. Dec. 2011. Characterization of in vitro endothelial linings grown within microfluidic channels. Tissue Eng. A:17:23-24.

        • Seker, E., J.H. Sung, M.L. Shuler, and M.L. Yarmush. 2011. Solving medical problems with BioMEMS. IEEE Pulse. (Nov/Dec) 51-59.

        • Esch, M.B., T.L. King and M.L. Shuler. 2011. The role of body-on-a-chip devices in drug and toxicity studies. Ann. Rev. Biomed. Engr. 13:55-72.

        • Torres, A., C. Zhu, S. Panullo, and M.L. Shuler. 2011. Paclitaxel delivery to brain tumors from hydrogels: a computationa study. Biotechnol. Prog. 27:1478-1487.

        • El Gheriany, I.A., D. Bocjoaga, A.G. Hay, W.C. Ghiorse, M.L. Shuler, and L.W. Lion. 2011. An uncertain role for Cu(II) stimulating Mn(II) oxidation by Leptothrix discophora SS-1. Arch Microbiol. 193: 89-93. DOI: 10.1007/s00203-010-0645-x.

        • Xu, H., J. Wu, C. Chu and M.L. Shuler. 2011. Development of disposable PDMS micro cell culture analog devices with photopolymerizable hydrogel encapsulating living cells. Biomed Microdevices. 14: 409-418. DOI: 10.1007/s10544-011-9617-4.

        • K. Wilson, M. Stancescu, M. Das, J.W. Rumsey and J.J. Hickman, “Direct Patterning of Coplanar Peg Alkylsilane Monolayers by Deep –Ultraviolet Photolithograpy as a General Method for Long-Term Cell Patterning and Culture,” JVST B 29(2):021020 (2011).

        • A. Natarajan, M. Stancescu, V. Dhir, C. Armstrong, F. Sommerhage, J.J. Hickman and P. Molnar, “Patterned Cardiomyocytes on Microelectrode Arrays as a Device for Studying Cardiac Electrophysiology and Drug Effects,” Biomaterials 32(18):4267-4274 (2011).

        • X. Guo, M. Gonzalez, M. Stancescu, H. Vandenburgh, J.J. Hickman, “Neuromuscular Junction Formation between Human Stem cell-derived Motoneurons and Human Skeletal Muscle in a Defined System,” Biomaterials 32:9602-9611 (2011).

2010 ...

Foley, P. and M.L. Shuler. 2010. Considerations for the design and construction of a synthetic platform cell for biotechnological applications. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 105: 26-36.

          • Sung, J. H., M.L. Shuler. 2010. In vitro microscale systems for systematic drug toxicity study. Bioprocess Biosyst. Eng. 33: 5-19.

          • Sung, J. H., C. Kam, M.L. Shuler. 2010. A microfluidic device for pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) model on a chip. Lab Chip. 10: 446-455.

          • Kim, B.J., D.J Schneider, S.W. Cartinhour, and M.L. Shuler. 2010. Complex responses to culture conditions in Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 continuous cultures: the role of iron in cell growth and virulence factor induction. Biotechnol. Bioeng.105: 95-964.

          • Choi, J., J.H. Sung, M.L. Shuler, and D. Kim. 2010. Investigation of portable in situ fluorescence optical detection for microfluidic 3D cell culture assays. Opt. Lett. 35 (9): 1374-1376.

          • Esch, M.B. and M.L. Shuler. 2010. Body-on-a chip: Using microfluidic systems to predict human responses to drugs. Pure Appl. Chem. 82: 1635-1645.

          • Sung, J.H., M.B. Esch and M.L. Shuler. 2010. Integration of in silico and in vitro platforms for pharmacokinetic–modeling, Expert Opin. Drug Metab. Toxicol. 6(7): 1-19.

          • Esch, M.G., J.H. Sung, and M.L. Shuler. 2010. Challenges, promises and future directions of µCCAs. J. Biotechnol., 148: 64-69.

          • Foley, P.L., D.B. Wilson, M.L. Shuler. 2010. Macromolecular crowding can account for RNase-sensitive constraint of bacterial nucleoid structure. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm.. 395: 42-47.

          • M.S. Ravenscroft-Chang, J. Stohlman, P. Molnar, A. Natarajan, H.E. Canavan, M. Teliska, M. Stancescu, V. Krauthamer and J.J. Hickman, “Altered Calcium Dynamics in Cardiac Cells Grown on Silane-Modified Surfaces,” Biomaterials 31:602-607 (2010).

2009 ...
  • Echtenkamp, P.L., D.B. Wilson, and M.L. Shuler. 2009. Cell cycle progression in Escherichia coli b/r Affects transcription of certain genes: Implications for synthetic genome design. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 102(3):902-909.

  • El Gheriany, I.A., D. Bocioaga, A.G. Hay, W.C. Ghiorse, M.L. Shuler, and L.W. Lion. 2009. Iron requirement for Mn(II) xxidation by Leptothrix discophora SS-1. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 75(5):1229-1235.

  • Shuler, M.L. and M.B. Esch. 2009. Micro cell culture analogs and what they can contribute to the drug screening process. www.alttox.org

  • Kim, B.J., J.H. Park, T.H. Park, P.A. Bronstein, D.J. Schneider, S.W. Cartinhour, and M.L. Shuler. 2009. Effect of iron concentration on the growth rate of Pseudomonas syringae and the expression of virulence factors in hrp-inducing minimal medium. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 75(9):2720-2726.

  • Sung, J.H. and M.L. Shuler. 2009. Prevention of air bubble formation in a microfluidic perfusion cell culture system using a microscale bubble trap. Biomed. Microdevices 11: 731-738.

  • Sung, J.H. and M.L. Shuler. 2009. A micro cell culture analog (microCCA) with 3-D hydrogel culture of multiple cell lines to assess metabolism-dependent cytotoxicity of anti-cancer drugs. Lab Chip 9:1385-1394.

  • Mahler, G.J., M.L. Shuler, and R.P. Glahn. 2009. Characterization of Caco-2 and HT29-MTX co-cultures in an in vitro digestion/cell culture model used to predict iron bioavailability. J. Nutr. Biochem. 20:494-502.

  • Sung, J.H., A. Dhiman, and M.L. Shuler. 2009. A combined pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) model for tumor growth in the rat with UFT administration. J. Pharm. Sci. 98:1885-1904.

  • Tatosian, D.A. and M.L. Shuler. 2009. A novel system for evaluation of drug mixtures for potential efficacy in treating multidrug resistant cancers. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 103:187-198.

  • Xu, H. and M.L. Shuler. 2009. Quantification of chemical-polymer surface interactions in microfluidic cell culture devices. Biotechnol. Prog. 25:543-551.

  • Mahler, G.J., M.B. Esch, R.P. Glahn, and M.L. Shuler. 2009. Characterization of a gastrointestinal tract microscale cell culture analog used to predict drug toxicity. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 104:193-205.

  • Sung, J.H., J.R. Choi, D.H. Kim, M.L. Shuler. 2009. Fluorescence optical detection in situ for real-time monitoring of enzymatic activity of liver cells in multiple microfluidic devices. Biotechnol. Bioeng.104:516-525.

  • Shin A.K., S.J. Kim, S.H. Lee, T.H. Park, K.M. Byun, S.G. Kim, M.L. Shuler. 2009. Detection of avian influenza-DNA hybridization using wavelength-scanning surface plasmon resonance biosensor. J Optical Society of Korea 13, (3): pp. 392-397.

  • K. Varghese, M. Das, N. Bhargava, P. Molnar, M.S. Kind and J.J. Hickman, “Regeneration and Characterization of Adult Mouse Hippocampal Neurons in a Defined In Vitro System,” Journal of neuroscience methods 177:51-59 (2009).

  • M. Ramalingam, P. Molnar, K. P. Rao and J. J. Hickman, “Biomaterial Surface Patterning Utilizing Self Assembled Monolayers to Control Neuronal Cell Behavior,” Int. Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Review 2(2):104-134 (2009).

  • J.W. Rumsey, M. Das, M. Stancescu, M. Bott, C. Fernandez-Valle and J.J. Hickman, “Node of Ranvier Formation on Motoneurons In Vitro,” Biomaterials30:3567-3572 (2009).

  • T. Xu, P, Molnar, C. Gregory, M. Das, T. Boland and J.J. Hickman, “Electrophysiological Characterization of Embryonic Hippocampal Neurons Cultured in 3D Collagen Hydrogel,” Biomaterials 30:4377-4383 (2009).

  • M. Das, J. W. Rumsey, N. Bhargava, M. Stancescu and J.J. Hickman, “Skeletal Muscle Tissue Engineering: An Improved Model Promoting Long Term Survival of Myotubes, Structural Development of E-C Coupling Apparatus and Neonatal Myosin Heavy Chain (MHC) Expression,” Biomaterials 30:5392-5402 (2009).

  • M. Das, J.W. Rumsey, N. Bhargava, C. Gregory, L. Riedel, J.F. Kang, J.J. Hickman, “Developing a Novel Serum-Free Cell Culture Model of Skeletal Muscle Differentiation by Systematically Studying the Role of Different Growth Factors in Myotube Formation,” In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Animal 45:378-387 (2009).

  • N. Akanda, M. Stancescu, P. Molnar and J.J. Hickman, “Analysis of Toxin Induced Changes in Action Potential Shape for Drug Development,” Journal of Biomolecular Screening 14(10):1228-1235 (2009).

  • N. Bhargava, M. Das, A. S. Karakoti, S. Patil, J.F. Kang, M. Stancescu, M. S. Kindy, S. Seal and J.J. Hickman, “Regeneration of Adult Mice Motoneurons Utilizing a Defined System and Anti-oxidant Nanoparticles,” Journal of Nanoneuroscience 1(2):130-143 (2009).

  • D.G. Taylor, A. Natarajan, B. Moscato, P. Molnar, J.J. Hickman, S.N. Ebert, “Adrenergic Deficiency Leads to Slowed Ventricular Conduction and Increased Arrhythmias in Embryonic Mouse Hearts,” Circulation 120(18):S616 (2009).

2008 ...
    • M. Das, N. Bhargava, A. Bhalkikar, J. F. Kang and J. J. Hickman, “Temporal Neurotransmitter Conditioning Restores the Functional Activity of Adult Spinal-Cord Neurons in Long-Term Culture,” Experimental Neurology 209:171-180 (2008).

    • J.W. Rumsey, M. Das, J.F. Kang, R. Wagner, P. Molnar and J.J Hickman, “Tissue Engineering Intrafusal Fibers: Dose and Time Dependent Differentiation of Nuclear Bag Fibers in a Defined In Vitro System using Neuregulin 1-β-1,” Biomaterials 29:994-1104 (2008).

    • J. Liu, J.W. Rumsey, P. Molnar, M. Das, C. Gregory, L. Riedel and J.J. Hickman, “Electrophysiological and Immunocytochemical Characterization of DRG Neurons on an Organosilane Surface in Serum Free Medium,” In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology 44:162-168 (2008).

    • A. Natarajan, C.J. Chun, J.J. Hickman and P. Molnar, "Growth and Electrophysiological Properties of Rat Embryonic Cardiomyocytes on Hydroxyl- and Carboxyl-Modified Surfaces,” Journal of Biomaterials Science: Polymer Edition 19(10):1319-1331 (2008).

    • V. Thakore, A. Behal, P. Molnar, D.C. Leistritz, and J.J. Hickman, “Nanoscale Nonlinear Dynamic Characterization of the Neuron-Electrode Junction,” J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 5(11):2164-2169 (2008).

    • J. Rolland, K-S. Lee, A. Mahmood, L. Fluck, J. Duarte, I. Kaya, A. Santhanam, P. Meemon, S. Murali, O. Ilegbusi, P. Kupelian, A.M. Kachurin, W.L. Warren, P. Molnar, J.J. Hickman and P.K. Kolattukudy, Eds J.D. Westwood, R.S. Haluck, H.M.Hoffman, G.T. Mogel, R. Phillips, R.A. Robb and K.G. Vosburgh, “Collaborative Engineering: 3-D Optical Imaging and Gas Exchange Simulation of In-Vitro Alveolar Constructs,” in Studies in Health Technolology Informatics 132:426-432 (2008).

    • Rolland, J. P., K. S. Lee, A. Mahmood, L. Fluck, J. Duarte, I. Kaya, A. Santhanam, P. Meemon, S. Murali, O. Ilegbusi, P. Kupelian, W. L. Warren, P. Molnar, J. J. Hickman and P. E. Kolattukudy. Collaborative Engineering: 3-D Optical Imaging and Gas Exchange Simulation of In-Vitro Alveolar Constructs. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 16 - parallel, combinatorial, convergent: NextMed by Design. J. D. Westwood, R. S. Haluck, H. M. Hoffmanet al. 132. (2008).

    • M. Ramalingam, P, Molnar and J.J. Hickman, “Nano-Surface Patterning Techniques for Cell Studies,” Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology(ENN) American Scientific Publishers, Valencia, California, (2008).

    • M. Ramalingam, S. Ramakrishna and J.J. Hickman, “Cell Responsive Nano-fibrous Materials for Tissue Engineering,” in Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, American Scientific Publishers, Ed. Hari Singh Nalwa, Valencia, California, (2008).

2007 ...
  • M. Das, S. Patil, N. Bhargava, J.F. Kang, L. Riedel, S. Seal and J.J. Hickman, “Auto-catalytic Ceria Nanoparticles Offer Neuroprotection to Adult Rat Spinal Cord Neurons,” Biomaterials 28:1918-1925 (2007).

  • P. Molnar, W. Wang, A. Natarajan, J.W. Rumsey and J.J. Hickman, “Photolithographic Patterning of C2C12 Myotubes using Vitronectin as Growth Substrate in Serum-Free Medium,” Biotechnology Progress 23(1): 265-268 (2007).

  • M. Das, J.W. Rumsey, C.A. Gregory, N. Bhargava, J.F. Kang, P. Molnar, L. Riedel, J.J. Hickman, “Embryonic Motor Neuron-Skeletal Muscle Co-culture in a Defined System,” Neuroscience 146:481-488 (2007).

  • K. Wilson, P. Molnar and J.J. Hickman, “Integration of Functional Myotubes with a Bio-MEMS Device for Non-Invasive Interrogation,” Lab-on-a-Chip 7:920-922 (2007).

  • M. Das, K. Wilson, P. Molnar and J.J. Hickman, “Differentiation of Skeletal Muscle and Integration of Myotubes with Silicon Microstructures using Serum-Free Medium and a Synthetic Silane Substrate,” Nature Protocols 2(7):1795-1801 (2007).

  • P. Molnar, J.J. Hickman, “Modeling of action potential generation in NG108-15 cells,” Methods Mol. Biol. 403:175-84 (2007).

  • P. Molnar P, JF. Kang, N. Bhargava, M. Das and J.J. Hickman, “Synaptic connectivity in engineered neuronal networks.” Methods Mol. Biol. 403:165-73 (2007).

  • P. Molnar, J.F. Kang, N. Bhargava, M. Das and J.J. Hickman, “Synaptic Connectivity in Engineered Neuronal Networks,” in Patch Clamp Methods and Protocols Humana Press Methods in Molecular Biology Series, (July 2007).

  • P. Molnar and J.J. Hickman, “Modeling of Action Potential Generation inNG108-15 Cells,” in Patch Clamp Methods and Protocols Humana Press Methods in Molecular Biology Series, (July 2007).

2006 ...
  • A. Natarajan, P. Molnar, K. Sieverdes, K. Jamshidi and J.J. Hickman, “Multielectrode Recordings of Cardiac Action Potentials as a High Throughput Method to Evaluate Pesticide Toxicity,” Toxicology In Vitro 20(3):375-381 (2006).

  • D. K Mohan, P. Molnar and J.J. Hickman. “Toxin detection based on action potential shape analysis using a realistic mathematical model of differentiated NG108-15 cells,” Biosensors & Bioelectronics 21:1804-1811 (2006).

  • M. Das, C. Gregory, K. Wilson, P. Molnar, L. Riedel and J.J. Hickman, “A Defined System to Allow Skeletal Muscle Differentiation and Subsequent Integration with Silicon Microstructures,” Biomaterials 27(24):4374-4380 (2006).

  • S. Krishnamoorthy, J. Feng, A. Henry, L. Locascio, J.J. Hickman and S. Sundaram, “Simulation and Experimental Characterization of Electroosmotic Flow in Surface Modified Channels,” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 2:345-355 (2006).

  • D. Henry, K. Lenghaus, K.A. Wilson, M. Hirsch-Kuchma, J. Jenkins, S. Sundaram and J.J. Hickman, “Submonolayer Measurements of Adsorbed Proteins In Microfluidic Channels,” in Bionanotechnology: Proteins to Nanodevices (V. Renugopalakrishnan, Randy V Lewis, Pawan K Dhar), Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer Press, (2006).

2005 ...
  • T. Xu, J. Jin, C. Gregory, J.J. Hickman and T. Boland, “Inkjet Printing of Viable Mammalian Cells,” Biomaterials 26(1):93-99 (2005).

  • A. Behal, D.M. Dawson, P. Molnar and J.J. Hickman, “The stretch reflex arc: simulation, control and identification” (2005)

  • M. Das, N. Bhargava, C. Gregory, L. Riedel, P. Molnar and J.J. Hickman, “Adult Rat Spinal Cord Culture on an Organosilane Surface in a Novel Serum-Free Medium” In Vitro Cell Dev Biol- Animal 41:343-348 (2005).

  • J.J. Hickman, “Building Minimalistic Hybrid Neuroelectric Devices,” in Toward Replacement Parts for the Brain: Implantable Biomimetic Electronics as Neural Prosthetic (T.W. Berger and D.L. Glanzman Eds.), 1st edition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (2005).

  • J.J. Hickman, P. Molnar, M. Hirsch-Kuchma, J.W. Rumsey, K. Wilson “Biosurface Engineering, Cell Patterning,” in Wiley Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation (John G. Webster), 2nd edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2005).

2004 ...
  • T. Xu, S. Petridou, E. Lee, E. Roth, N. Vyavahare, J.J. Hickman and T. Boland, “Construction of High-Density Bacterial Colony Arrays and Patterns by the Ink-jet Method,” Journal of Biotechnology & Bioengineering 85:29 (2004).

  • E. A. Roth, T. Xu, M. Das, C. Gregory, J.J. Hickman and T. Boland, “Inkjet Printing for High Throughput Cell Patterning,” Biomaterials 25(17): 3707-3715 (2004).

  • J.K. Evju, P.B. Howell, L.E. Locascio, M.J. Tarlov and J.J. Hickman, “Atmospheric Pressure Microplasmas for Modifying Sealed Microfluidic Devices,” Applied Physics Letters 84(10):1668-1670 (2004).

  • B. Sweryda-Krawiec, H. Devaraj, G. Jacob, and J.J. Hickman, “A New Interpretation of Serum Albumin Surface Passivation,” Langmuir 20(6):2054-2056 (2004).

  • M. Das, P Molnar, C. Gregory, L. Riedel and J.J. Hickman, “Long-term Culture Of Embyonic Rat Cardiomyocytes on an Organosilane Surface in a Serum Free Medium,” Biomaterials 25(25):5643-5647 (2004).

  • F. Jin, J.J. Hickman, K. Lenghaus and R. Marcus, “Total Protein Determinations by Particle Beam/Hollow Cathode Optical Emission Spectroscopy (PB/HC-OES)System II: Improved Sensitivity Through Use of Silica Micro-particles as Carrier Agents for Enhanced Particle Transport,” Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 19(9):1199-1205 (2004).

  • F. Jin, J.J. Hickman, K. Lenghaus, R. Marcus, “Total Protein Determinations by Particle Beam/Hollow Cathode Optical Emission Spectroscopy (PB/HC-OES) System III: Investigation of Carrier Salts for Enhanced Particle Transport,” Anal Bioanal Chem. 380 (2):204-211 (2004).

  • J. Jenkins, B. Prabhakarpandian., K. Lenghaus, J.J. Hickman, S. Sundaram, “Fluidics Resolved Analysis of Protein Adsorption in a Biomicrofluidic System,” Analytical Biochem 331:207-215 (2004).

2003 & Earlier ...
  • J.J. Hickman, C. Zou, D. Ofer, P.D. Harvey, M.S. Wrighton, P.E. Laibinis, C.D. Bain and G.M. Whitesides, “Combining Spontaneous Molecular Assembly with Microfabrication to Pattern Surfaces: Selective Binding of Isonitriles to Platinum Microwires and Characterization by Electrochemistry and Surface Spectroscopy,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 111:7271 (1989).

  • P.E. Laibinis, J.J. Hickman, M.S. Wrighton and G.M. Whitesides, “Orthogonal Systems for Self-Assembled Monolayers: Alkanethiols on Gold and Alkane Carboxylic Acids on Alumina,” Science 245:845 (1989).

  • J.J. Hickman, D. Ofer, C. Zou, M.S. Wrighton, P.E. Laibinis and G.M. Whitesides, “Selective Functionalization of Gold Microstructures with Ferrocenyl Derivatives via Reaction With Thiols or Disulfides: Characterization by Electrochemistry and Auger Electron Spectroscopy,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 113:1128 (1991).

  • J.J. Hickman, D. Ofer, P.E. Laibinis, G.M. Whitesides and M.S. Wrighton, “Molecular Self-Assembly of Two-Terminal, Voltammetric Microsensors With Internal References,” Science 252:688 (1991).

  • J.J. Hickman and M.S. Wrighton, “Face-Specific Interactions of Anionic Sulfur Donors with Oriented Crystals of (0001) CdX (X = Se, S) and Correlation with Electrochemical Properties,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 113:4440 (1991).

  • J.J. Hickman, P.E. Laibinis, D.I. Auerbach, C. Zou, T.J. Gardner, G.M. Whitesides and M.S. Wrighton, “Toward Orthogonal Self-Assembly of Redox Active Molecules on Pt and Au: Selective Reaction of Disulfide with Au and Isonitrile with Pt,” Langmuir 8:357 (1992).

  • S.K. Bhatia, J.J. Hickman and F.S. Ligler, “A New Approach to Engineering Patterned Biomolecular Assemblies,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 114:4432 (1992).

  • D.A. Stenger, J.H. Georger, C.S. Dulcey, J.J. Hickman, A.S. Rudolph, T.B. Nielson, S. McCort, and J.M. Calvert, “Coplanar Molecular Assemblies of Amino- and Perfluorinated Alkylsilanes: Characterization and Geometric Definition of Mammalian Cell Cultures,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 114:8435 (1992).

  • J.J. Hickman, G.L. Bergeron, M.A. Czarnaski, and D.A. Kirkpatrick, “Surface Chemistry of TaSi2-Si Eutectic Cold Cathodes and the Effect on Vacuum Field Emission,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 61:2518 (1992).

  • D.A. Stenger, C. Pike, J.J. Hickman and C.W. Cotman, “Surface Determinants of Neuronal Survival and Growth on Self-Assembled Monolayers in Culture," Brain Res. 630:136 (1993).

  • B.J. Spargo, M.A. Testoff, T.B. Nielsen, D.A. Stenger, J.J. Hickman and A.S. Rudolph, “Adhesion, Spreading, and Differentiation of Endothelial Cells on Self-Assembled Amino- and Perfluoro-Alkylsilane Monolayers,” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 91:11070 (1994).

  • J.J. Hickman and D.A. Stenger, “Interactions of Cultured Neurons with Defined Surfaces,” in: Enabling Technologies for Cultured Neural Networks (D.A. Stenger and T.M. McKenna, Eds.), 1st edition. San Diego: Academic Press, Inc. 51 (1994).

  • D.A. Stenger and J.J. Hickman, “Lithographic Definition of Neuronal Microcircuits,” in: Enabling Technologies for Cultured Neural Networks (D.A. Stenger and T.M. McKenna, Eds.), 1st edition. San Diego: Academic Press, Inc. 77 (1994).

  • A.E. Schaffner, J.L. Barker, D.A. Stenger and J.J. Hickman, “Investigation of the Factors Necessary for Growth of Hippocampal Neurons in a Defined System,” J. Neuroscience Methods 62:111 (1995).

  • D.R. Jung, D.S. Cuttino, J.J. Pancrazio, P. Manos, T. Custer, R.S. Sathanoori, L.E. Aloi, M.G. Coulombe, M.A. Czarnaski, D.A. Borkholder, G.T. Kovacs, P. Bey, D.A. Stenger and J.J. Hickman, “Cell-Based Sensor Microelectrode Array Characterized by Imaging XPS, SEM, Impedance Spectroscopy, and Cellular Recordings,” J. Vac. Sci. Tech. A 16:1183 (1998).

  • D.A. Stenger, J.J. Hickman, K.E. Bateman, M.S. Ravenscroft, W. Ma, J.J. Pancrazio, K.M. Shaffer, A.E. Schaffner, D.H. Cribbs and C.W. Cotman, “Microlithographic Definition of Axonal/Dendritic Polarity in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons,” J. Neuroscience Methods 82:167 (1998).

  • M.S. Ravenscroft, K.E. Bateman, K.M. Shaffer, H.M. Schessler, D.R. Jung, T.W. Schneider, C.B. Montgomery, T.L. Custer, A.E. Schaffner, Q.Y. Liu, Y.X. Li, J.L. Barker and J.J. Hickman, “Developmental Neurobiology Implications from Fabrication and Analysis of Hippocampal Neuronal Networks on Patterned Silane-Modified Surfaces,” J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 120:12169 (1998).

  • K. Lenghaus, J. Dale, C. Henderson, D. Henry, E. Loghin and J.J. Hickman, “Enzymes as Ultra-Sensitive Probes for Adsorption in Flow Systems,” Langmuir19:5971 (2003).


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